
Monthly Tutoring Subscriptions

Tutoring Center Subscription - 4hrs/mth

every 4 weeks
This is our tutoring package designed for individuals who want to test out our services or who are looking to engage in short sessions. It comes with access to 4 hours of tutoring services that can be used with 8 short sessions of your choosing. During this time tutors can get a sense of the material students learned in class, address questions, and ensure they are not falling behind.

Tutoring Center Subscription - 8hr/mth

per month
Basic Tutoring - Provides 8 hours of tutoring each month.

For students on grade level, the tutor will use this time to address learning gaps, reinforce lessons, and prepare students for upcoming material.

For students below grade level, the time can instead be used to build foundational knowledge and bring them up to grade level.

Tutoring Center Subscription - 12hr/mth

per month
Basic Tutoring - Provides 12 hours with a tutor each month. Ideal for longer sessions or more frequent meetings. Longer sessions are often needed to allow adequate time for building academic foundations after completing classroom assignments.

For students on grade level, the tutor will use this time to address learning gaps, reinforce lessons, and prepare students for upcoming material.

For students below grade level, the time can instead be used to build foundational knowledge and bring them up to grade level.

Tutoring Packages

Brainiac Tutoring Center Package - 24hr

-- Save $168 off of regular pricing --

Provides 24 hours with a tutor. Can be used to pay for services over multiple months and is payment plan eligible. (0% financing available. Call for details. 1-866-863-2724)

For students on grade level, the tutor will use this time to get a sense of new material taught in class, address any learning gaps, reinforce lessons, and prepare students for upcoming material.
For students below grade level, the time can instead be used to build foundational knowledge and bring them up to grade level.

Brainiac Tutoring Center Package - 48hr

-- $528 savings off of regular pricing --

Provides 48 hours with a tutor. Can be used to pay for services over multiple months and is payment plan eligible. (0% financing available. Call for details. 1-866-863-2724)

For students on grade level, the tutor will use this time to get a sense of new material taught in class, address any learning gaps, reinforce lessons, and prepare students for upcoming material.
For students below grade level, the time can instead be used to build foundational knowledge and bring them up to grade level.